
Apple Apps

Show What You Know With Apple Classroom Whiteboard

Dylan Peters (ADE) shares a great tip for using this custom Keynote template. Teachers can do quick "show what you know" with Apple Classroom.


Apple Classroom Overview

This is a 15 min Apple Classroom training video. This will be great for any teacher interested in getting started with Apple Classroom.

Apple Classroom Update!

Apple relesed a huge update to Apple Classroom! Make sure to update yourself BEFORE using apple classoom!

Rearrange Your Apple Classroom

With a simple touch and drag, you can rearrange the class order in Apple Classroom!

Pinch And Zoom Inside Apple Classroom

When you are using Apple Classroom to view your students' screens, you can also pinch and zoom to see a closer view!

Use Apple Classroom While Presenting!

Using split screen, you can use Apple Classroom while presenting in Keynote and Google Slides!

AirDrop From Files To Apple Classroom

Now you can easily airdrop from File to Apple Classroom with a simple drag and drop!

Increase Student Voice

Use Apple Classroom to share student voices in the classroom

Share the Screen

How to use Apple Classroom to share the screen with your classroom

Apple Classroom 101

An introduction to Apple Classroom (great for classroom management)